Unity Optimizer Free released on itch.io !


I'm a Unity indie home developer.

I have created a tool called Unity Optimizer for my own needs with the video game i'm working on.

Unity Optimizer is a standalone tool that helps Unity video game developers to easily optimize the size of their builds.

I have decided to share this tool because i think it can be really usefull for a lot of Unity developers.
I have released a free version with 80% of the features and a commercial (very cheap) version.

The goal for me is not to earn money but to be able to buy a few quality assets for my own video game project i'm working on alone and save time.

Hope you will enjoy using Unity Optimizer !



UnityOptimizerFreeInstaller_1.0.7.0_x64.msixbundle 41 MB
Nov 15, 2020

Get Unity Optimizer Free

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